Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Welcome to My World.  Isn't that what people say when you hear other people complaining about similar stuff?  Well from me you will hear lots of that, lots of bitching also, a girl has to vent so this is my vessel for doing so.
I think, no scrap that, I know that I am better off typing sometimes that having an actual conversations with some people, as some of the people I know, am unlucky enough to know or have been in contact with, are just absolute fuckwits.  I have no time for them but still there they are.

How this started I really don't know, but along they way I hope to find out. I will put my story out there, good, bad and the ugly for anyone who wants a good laugh, hopefully!!  Just so you know tangents are my friend and I will probably go off on heaps of them, I like a good tangent!!

I have a full time job, nice car, beautiful son, and despise the term 'single mother' (although technically I am) and all the stereo types that brings with it.  Does anyone else agree?  I get the 'poor you' and the sympathy looks, NO, NO I DON'T NEED THAT BULLSHIT, there is nothing wrong with me, I am very happy, I love my job, I have enough money (obviously would like more) but have enough to get by.  I am not pregnant with my 5th child to 5 different people, I don't smoke, or drink (thanks doc!) anymore, I don't do any type of drugs, never have done, never will, I don't live in a street where people have been shot at, I am not on centrelink benefits and I don't drive around in a stolen 1987 commodore wearing pink leg warmers with a needle sticking out of my right arm a child in the left arm thank you very much!!  That's a stereotype that a number of my friends had come up with when discussing the 'single mother'.

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